Scientific Studies, Research and Articles

The Irlen Method and the efficacy of colored overlays and colored lenses has been the subject of hundreds of research studies encompassing the disciplines of education, psychology, and medicine.

Studies supporting the use of colored overlays and lenses to treat the perceptual processing difficulties associated with Irlen Syndrome are published in peer-reviewed academic and scientific journals, including: the Journal of Learning Disabilities, Australian Journal of Special Education, Perceptual and Motor Skills, Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, Journal of Clinical & Experimental Neuropsychology, Journal of Research in Reading, and Behavioral Optometry among others.

A Summary of Research into the Irlen Method

Dr. Greg Robinson and Don Riley review the research into the use of coloured overlays and precision tinted lenses for those with a range of perceptual difficulties that act as significant barriers to learning and achievement.>>> read article

The Educational Challenge of Irlen Syndrome

The following article was published in the EEG Spectrum Newsletter by Siegfried Othmer, PhD, Chief Scientist at EEG Spectrum and from 1987-2000 President of EEG Spectrum.>>> read article

A Prospective Genetic Marker of the Visual Perception Disorder Meares – Irlen Syndrome

Stephen J. Loew and Kenneth Watson - Centre for Bioactive Discovery in Health and Ageing School of Science & Technology University of New England, Armidale- New research supporting Irlen Syndrome (PDF)>>> read article

Perception Problems: Relief Comes in Coloured Lenses

A Chico family who benefits from wearing Irlen lenses. The tinted lenses — different colours for everyone — bring relief from Irlen Syndrome.>>> read article

Turner Syndrome

Helen L. Irlen discusses treating a child with Turner Syndrome using Irlen filters and lenses.>>> read article

The Surprising Type of Noise

Rachel L. Beattie, PhD, Assistant Professor, Lecturer and author discusses developmental dyslexia and what researchers are calling visual noise.>>> read article

Study – Precision Ophthalmic Tints Help Reduce Migraines

Jacques Guimond Director, Irlen Atlantic Centre discusses a study showing the role of Irlen Spectral Filters®, in some people who are sensitive to visual stress and its effects on certain brain activities.>>> read article

Tinted Glasses for Migraine Relief

A discussion on Precision Tinted Lenses and how migraine sufferers tend to experience fewer headaches.>>> read article

Information for Physicians

Salient facts about Irlen Syndrome and Irlen Spectral Filters.>>> read article

Information for Optometrists / Opticians

Irlen Syndrome and Irlen Spectral Filters information.>>> read article

Information for Psychologists

Irlen Syndrome and Irlen Spectral Filters information.>>> read article

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